Has there ever been a riddle that left you scratching your head? This one is for you, then! Look at the following image and see how many squares you can count.

We made use of a handy tool called Doceri to assist us with the square counting. It made it possible for us to visually monitor the squares while we were counting them. Really nice, huh?
It’s your turn now! Look at the picture for a moment and count the number of squares you can identify. These kinds of puzzles can be fairly difficult, so don’t worry if it takes you a few tries. And never forget, it’s acceptable to respond differently than others. The allure of riddles lies in that!
If you’re feeling very daring, how about making a video answer and sending it our way? We would love to see your approach to solving this difficult challenge and your thought process. So feel free to demonstrate your puzzle-solving abilities!
Who can solve this square problem, let’s see! Wishing you luck!
50 Iconic and Rare Historical Photographs
We at HistoryColored have decided to curate 50 interesting, rare and iconic photos from history. There are many reasons why a photograph may be featured on this list. Some of the reasons include: it was the first time something was ever captured on camera, it shows a famous figure from history, the image depicts an important historical event, it is a “rare” photo that does not get shared as much as it should, or it is an “iconic” historical photo. It may not fall under any of these categories but can still be featured in this list for a different reason.
These photographs are in no particular order. They have been curated and added to the list over a long period of time, so no decision was taken on how they should be ordered. Be sure to take the time to check out every historical photograph featured on this list!
As well as this list, be sure to check out the other photos featured on HistoryColored!
1. The First Photograph Ever Taken, 1826 or 1827

2. General William Tecumseh Sherman, circa 1865

3. Dali Atomicus, 1948

4. The Solvay Conference on Quantum Mechanics, 1927

5. King George V & Tsar Nicholas II Together, 1913

6. The Manhattan Bridge Under Construction, 1909

7. Soviet Prisoner of War, 1940

8. Dr. Wernher von Braun with 5 F-1 Engines

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