While gardening, this woman happened upon some rusted metal things.
She wasn’t sure what they could have been used for at first, but everything made sense when she realized what they were!
Find out more about these enigmatic objects by reading on!
“I was planting when I discovered a number of these, but I had no idea what they were. I’ve removed all of the metal that I
Many online users responded to the woman’s social media post with a photograph of the odd objects, offering their opinions in the comments area.
It turns out that they look like old-fashioned window weights!
For those who are unaware, vintage window weights are those bulky metal objects that are sometimes concealed behind the frames of windows from earlier eras. They made those windows open and close smoothly, which is why they were so important back then.
However, how do they function? You enquire. The weights are suspended inside pockets or channels that are present in the window frame. Usually constructed of cast iron, they were fastened to cords or ropes that, via pulleys, connect to the window sashes. These weights descended as the window was opened, distributing the sashes’ weight and facilitating up-and-down movement.
Antique window weights were very popular in homes constructed before the advent of sophisticated modern window technology; older homes from the 1800s and early 1900s were most likely equipped with these bad boys.
However, when window technology advanced over time, these antiquated weights became unfashionable. Contemporary windows incorporate advanced materials for security and insulation, as well as counterbalance springs. They’re also much simpler to maintain!
Vintage window weights still have a wonderful retro vibe, even though they’re not as fashionable as they once were. Some people who enjoy renovating historic homes want to keep them standing in order to preserve their classic charm.
To put it briefly, old-fashioned windows needed vintage window weights in order to function properly. Even if they’re less prevalent now, they’re still a great way to remember the quality of craftsmanship in the past.
Thus, if you are ever in an ancient house with old-fashioned windows, stop and admire the silent operation of those handy window weights!
‘Don’t Laugh, Man!’ : Wild Speech On His Youth Sports Experience…
President Joe Biden was giving a speech to Native American groups in D.C. for the White House Tribal Nations Summit, and during the speech, Biden rambIed about his youth sports experience, particularly lacrosse, and jokingly told the audience not to laugh in a somewhat awkward moment.
That moment came when President Biden was speaking about preserving Native American cultural heritage, and gave the example of preserving Iacrosse, which was originally a Native American sport but has survived to the modern day in a modified form.
Speaking on the across and cultural heritage issue, President Biden said, Folks, at the same time, we’re helping to preserve cultural heritage like Tribal languages and sports.
Sports Iike lacrosse. Joining us today are members of the Six Nations Confederacy who…
Continuing, Biden then called on members of those tribes to stand up for recognition, saying, …which in- — by the way, where are you guys? Stand up. Come on. Which invented Iacrosse nearly a thousand years ago. The game brought Tribes together, a force for peace, friendship, and healing. The Six Nations players are still among the very best in the world.
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