There’s a growing movement changing how beauty is perceived in America and around the world.

Because of social media, where women freely display their inherent beauty in all shapes and sizes, the standard of beauty is changing. This change is highlighted by a recent study that was published in the International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education. It shows that the average American woman used to wear a size 14, but now she typically wears a size 16 or 18.

The study, which examined data from more than 5,500 American women, discovered that during the previous 20 years, the average waist size had climbed from 34.9 to 37.5 inches. The study’s principal expert, Susan Dunn, highlights the importance of the information by saying, “Knowing the average size can significantly impact women’s self-image.”

The fashion industry is urged by co-author Deborah Christel and Dunn to adjust to these developments. According to Dunn, “these women are here to stay, and they deserve clothing that fits them.”

The message is clear: in order to appropriately represent the genuine shape and size of the modern American woman, apparel manufacturers must adjust their sizing guidelines.


Former President Donald Trump released a brief health report from his doctor, Dr. Bruce Aronwald, asserting that his health is “excellent” and noting weight loss attributed to an “improved diet” and regular exercise.

However, the report lacks critical specifics, such as Trump’s weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, prescriptions, and the exact amount of weight lost.

Historically, Trump’s health reports have been vague, often including exaggerated claims, such as being the “healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” while omitting important details. In contrast, President Biden provides more comprehensive health reports, though they have not fully alleviated concerns about his age and overall health.

Both Trump and Biden face scrutiny regarding their capability to serve another term due to their age, with polls indicating voter concerns about their fitness for the presidency. Trump has particularly emphasized his cognitive test results as evidence of his mental acuity.

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