Grandmother with entire body covered in tattoos reveals what she looked like decade ago

Many people like to get body modifications such as tattoos to express their individuality.

However, some people are completely against these kinds of things. Kerstin Tristan was one of the latter till 2015, when one incident changed her mind for good…

Keep reading to find out more about her journey.

56-year-old Kerstin Tristan is a mother and grandmother. But her hobbies vary a little outside of what might be considered the ‘norm’ for a grandmother. She likes body modification art, mostly tattoos.

She has her entire body covered in tattoos at this point, and to dedicate herself to this level, she had to spend a lot of money. But she did not always love tattoos so much. In fact, she revealed that till 2015, she actually hated tattoos. What changed her mind about them? It was in the same year that she got her first one, which completely shifted her view on the practice.

“I simply just wanted to try something new. We all live just once, and I thought that at my age, something real has to come,” she shared.

Since 2015, she has managed to spend 30,000 euros (approx. US $32,000) on modifying her body with tattoos alone. But thankfully, she has gotten a lot of attention and love because of her actions.

Her Instagram account has over 190,000 followers, and her TikTok videos have millions of views.

She is not shy to show off her looks! She posts pictures of herself showing off her entire body on Instagram. But she did not always look like this, just a decade ago, she was tattoo-free and looked completely different. She sometimes posts comparison photos for people to see the drastic change.

The German-based influencer has images of vibrant roses on her legs, a leopard print tattoo on her shoulders, and several detailed portraits on her arms. These tattoos happen to be among dozens of others on her entire body.

She loves how she looks now, saying, ‘”When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a beautiful meadow full of flowers that one has to love.”

And she is not the only one who loves her look, one fan wrote, “A beautiful work of art.” While, another person wrote, “Wow stunning photo.”

If you liked this piece, you might like the story of Melanie Griffith’s tattoo for Antonio Banderas and the shocking appearance it has today, almost a decade after their divorce.

Expressing yourself is not something that should end with age. If anything, Kerstin is a wonderful example of how age should not define how you choose to express yourself to the world. What do you think of her tattoos? Let us know in the comments.

Tragic Loss of Parents of Six During First Family Vacation

While on their first family vacation in Florida, six-time parents Brian Warter, 51, and Erica Wishart, 48, encountered an unbelievable tragedy.

On June 20, a tragic event happened when they were swimming off Hutchinson Island with two of their kids. Brian and Erica were left to the mercy of the strong ocean currents, even though the adolescents were able to rescue themselves.

Parents of 6 die in rip current while on first family vacation

Rescue efforts were started as soon as emergency personnel arrived. But despite everything they did, Brian and Erica were unfortunately declared dead at a local hospital, unable to be saved.

The water conditions were extremely dangerous on the day the couple perished. Red flags were flown along the beach, according to Cory Pippen of Martin County Fire Rescue, to warn swimmers of the hazardous riptide conditions. These flags are intended to alert beachgoers to possible aquatic dangers, like powerful rip currents.

After more than a year of dating, Brian and Erica got engaged. According to CBS 12 News, they intended to wed once their kids graduated from college. The family had been looking forward to this much-needed vacation for a long time. They took their kids along.

Brian’s father, Larry Warter, put their joy into words when he said, “They were so thrilled, they couldn’t see straight about going down.” It had never happened before. The experiment was this one. All six of their children were born together. It had taken them more than a month to plan.”

The overwhelming support that Brian’s family received from friends and relatives as well as the community left them in shock. Larry Warter conveyed his appreciation by saying, “Offers of assistance and other things have poured in.” We didn’t realize that we weren’t experiencing this alone.

A GoFundMe website was created in the couple’s memory, and Wayne Sallurday wrote a moving ode to Erica on it. He praised her as a remarkable individual, a devoted teacher, a caring mother, and someone who occasionally volunteered at her neighborhood church. He underlined that Erica was among the kindest people he had ever met.

Important information about rip currents is provided by the National Weather Service, which emphasizes that although they do not drag swimmers underwater, they can swiftly wear them out. In these kinds of situations, maintaining composure is essential.

It is advised on the website that swimming against a rip current will simply sap your energy, which is necessary for survival and escape. Avoid attempting to swim straight up to the coast. Swim parallel to the coast until you are no longer pulled by the current. Swim at an angle away from the current and toward the shore once you are free of its pull. Additionally, the service exhorts swimmers to always swim in pairs and to follow the maxim “If in doubt, don’t go out!”

This terrible incident serves as a somber reminder of the risks presented by rip currents and the importance of listening to safety advisories when swimming. Peace be with Brian and Erica.

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