Four married men decided to spend a day fishing together. As they cast their lines, the conversation naturally turned to the sacrifices they had made to be there.
The first man spoke up, saying, “You guys have no idea what I had to do to make it today. On Saturday, I promised my wife I’d paint the entire house.” The others nodded, sympathizing with the struggle of balancing plans with their spouses.
The second man chimed in, eager to top the first. “That’s nothing,” he said. “I promised my wife I’d build her a new deck by the pool. She’s been wanting it for years, so bringing her fishing was the only way to keep that promise.”
The third man wasn’t about to be outdone. “Both of you had it easy,” he declared. “I told my wife I’d completely remodel the kitchen for her! It’s a huge project, but I couldn’t miss this fishing trip with you guys.”
As the three continued their banter, they turned to the fourth man, who had remained silent. Curiosity got the better of them, and they asked, “So, what did you have to promise to be here?”
With a sly grin, the fourth man finally spoke. “Well,” he said, “I didn’t promise anything. I just set my alarm for 5:30, turned it off when it rang, gave my wife a little nudge, and asked, ‘Fishing or something else?’” Pausing for effect, he added, “She told me, ‘Put on a sweater.’”
The group erupted in laughter at his clever workaround. Sometimes, the simplest approach is the most effective.
Share this amusing story with your friends and family to give them a good laugh!
Doctor explains why you should never kiss a deceased person

Recently, a Moldovan physician gained widespread attention for his unusual yet stern film regarding kissing. Furthermore, it defies expectations.
Dr. Viktor Ivanovik, who has almost 300,000 TikTok subscribers, discusses the health hazards associated with saying goodbye to a loved one who has passed away.
Ivanovik cautions viewers in the video, saying, “Never kiss the deceased!”
He says the body starts to break down about nine hours after death, releasing dangerous microorganisms. According to Ivanovik, kissing the dead could expose you to these microorganisms and cause you to lose your sense of smell.
Online comments have been flowing in response to his video.
Many viewers had never thought about the possible dangers of coming into contact with microorganisms before. Some, though, talked about their own experiences.
“I kissed my father and would do it a million times over,” an emotional spectator said. He’s my dad, so I can lose my sense of taste and smell!”
The advice from Dr. Ivanovik demonstrates the need for a careful balance between cultural customs and health considerations. Unaware of the risks, many people perform these rites as a last gesture of respect and closure for their loved ones.
However, for a lot of people, the ease of saying farewell to a loved one in person exceeds any potential health risks. This opens up a larger discussion about the importance of cultural sensitivity when dealing with these subjects, especially when there are enduring customs at stake.
Ivanovik’s TikTok video has sparked a fresh conversation on social media, urging users to recognize the intensely intimate nature of farewells while simultaneously being aware of the possible hazards.
Dr. Ivanovik has increased awareness of the significance of comprehending health hazards related to everyday habits through his movie, demonstrating that safety and health should never be disregarded, even in times of loss and sadness.
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