Animal lover wins $4 million from lottery scratch-off — and donates to local shelter

Should one win the lotto, how would one proceed? Many of us have grandiose ideas of what we would buy with the money, such as a brand-new automobile or home.

However, one Massachusetts man who loved animals and won millions of dollars from a scratch-off was quick to donate his winnings to animals that were in need.

Paul Riley, a resident of Peabody, Massachusetts, bought an instant ticket game for the Massachusetts State Lottery called “100X Cash” from a nearby retailer. According to a news release, he scraped it off and was shocked to learn he had won the $4 million prize in the game.

Paul, who was described as “an animal lover,” arrived to pick up his reward with his small puppy, Raven:

In response to a question about his future plans, he generously stated that he would be donating a portion of his profits to the Animal Rescue League.

Seeing people give so freely of their riches is always encouraging, especially when it’s done to aid needy animals. Naturally, Paul intends to lavish himself and his family with money as well. He mentioned that he wants to get his wife a new car.

Paul received $2,600,000 as a one-time payment before taxes, according to the press release. The retailer from whence he purchased the fortunate scratch-off, Summit Variety, will also get a bonus of $40,000.

Congratulations to Paul on his incredible lottery victory! We appreciate your decision to donate to support animals in shelters!

The Couple Wanted To Adopt a Cat And They Chose The Saddest And Most Unhappy Of All The Cats: The Happy Animal Changed Beyond Recognition In a Matter Of Hours!

Often referred to as the saddest cat on the internet, meet BenBen. BenBen, poor guy, was going to have a very bad future in a shelter, almost certainly ending in death.

His story is all the more tragic because he had a disfigured ear, multiple severe cuts, and a fractured back.

BenBen appears to have had an encounter with a much bigger animal.

BenBen appeared to sense his fate, according to the shelter officials. He didn’t seem to be trying to continue; he wasn’t moving, eating, or drinking.

After learning about BenBen, a compassionate vet clinic staff member made the decision to offer him a fresh start.

It was truly an amazing metamorphosis. Within an hour of moving into his new house, BenBen’s entire personality transformed!

“As if to say thank you, he began purring, grinning, and climbing up for cuddles. I firmly think he understood he had at last found safety and his ultimate home.

Ben bucked the odds and started walking again, despite the doctors’ doubts. Before long, he was sprinting and jumping instead of just walking!

BenBen is no longer the saddest cat in the house, even though he still needs painkillers. He’s really become a content cat!

We are grateful to the amazing individuals that saved BenBen!

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