A lot of people had a crush on her in the 1980s, but look at her now…

After her breakout role in “Crocodile Dundee”, Linda Kozlowski found herself thrust into the international spotlight. Starring opposite Paul Hogan, the film marked a significant milestone in her career trajectory. However, following the “Dundee” series and a handful of other projects, Kozlowski gradually veered away from the glitz and glamor of Hollywood.

Hailing from Fairfield, Connecticut, Linda Kozlowski was born on January 7, 1958, with aspirations of treading the boards. She pursued her passion for acting by enrolling in the prestigious theater program at the Juilliard School. Upon graduating in 1981, she made her mark in various off-Broadway productions before transitioning to minor roles on Broadway and television. Notably, she starred alongside Dustin Hoffman in the television movie “Death of a Salesman”, marking a significant milestone in her career.

Linda’s path to fame wasn’t without its hurdles. Following her stint as a waitress post-“Death of a Salesman”, she relocated to California. It was there, under the wing of her mentor Dustin Hoffman and his wife, that Linda found refuge in their Malibu beach house. It was from this humble abode that Linda embarked on an audition that would alter the course of her life.

Dustin Hoffman’s endorsement landed Linda the coveted role of Sue Charlton in “Crocodile Dundee”, a character she portrayed with aplomb. The film’s astronomical success, raking in over $320 million against a $10 million budget, catapulted Linda Kozlowski into stardom virtually overnight. Interestingly, her fame initially soared in Australia due to the film’s early release there.

Despite her newfound celebrity status, Linda felt somewhat overlooked in Hollywood. While she reprised her role in the “Crocodile Dundee” sequels, she declined numerous offers for roles that pigeonholed her as the quintessential girlfriend of a comedic lead. Ultimately, Linda decided to bid adieu to acting after the third installment of “Dundee”.

In her personal life, Linda Kozlowski found love on set with her co-star Paul Hogan during the “Crocodile Dundee” series. They tied the knot in 1990 and welcomed their son, Chance, in 1998. However, their marriage dissolved in 2014. Following her divorce from Paul Hogan, Linda received a substantial settlement, empowering her to chart her own course. She turned her gaze towards Morocco, where she crossed paths with Moulay Hafid Baba, a native tour guide, sparking a profound life transformation.

Together, Linda and Moulay Hafid Baba founded the luxury travel agency Dream My Destiny in Marrakech. Crafting bespoke travel experiences tailored to their clients’ desires became their passion. Linda seamlessly transitioned from the glitz of Hollywood to the enchanting vistas of Morocco.

While Linda Kozlowski may have bid farewell to the silver screen, her legacy as Sue Charlton in “Crocodile Dundee” endures. At 63, she embraces her adventurous spirit and finds fulfillment in her new life in Morocco. She believes that reality surpasses fiction, channeling her intuition honed during her acting career into curating unforgettable experiences for travelers around the globe.

I introduced my five-year-old daughter to the man I’ve been seeing – she yelled the first time she laid eyes on him.

When Jessica introduced her daughter Emma to her boyfriend Alex, she expected a warm welcome. Instead, Emma screamed in terror, convinced by her father’s warnings that Alex was a threat who would take her away forever.

I never imagined it would turn out this way. The sound of my daughter, Emma, screaming for help still rings in my ears. It was supposed to be a happy day, the day I introduced her to Alex, the man I’d been dating for over a year. But instead, it was a disaster.

Alex and I met at a charity event. He was charming and kind, always ready with a smile or a joke. We clicked immediately, and our relationship grew strong. We were serious, and I knew it was time for him to meet the most important person in my life – my daughter.

But I was scared. My divorce from Tom, Emma’s father, had been rough, and I worried about how she’d react to a new man in our lives.

Tom and I had shared custody of Emma. He usually babysat when I was out with Alex. Tom had already met Alex a few times and didn’t seem to have any problems with him. Or so I thought.

I spent days planning the perfect introduction. I made Emma’s favorite brunch – pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. I even bought a new dress, wanting everything to be perfect. Alex arrived right on time, holding a gift and wearing his most welcoming smile.

“Hey, Alex, come on in,” I greeted him, my voice shaking slightly.

“Thanks, Jess. I’m excited to finally meet Emma,” Alex said, handing me the gift. “I hope she likes this.”

“She will,” I replied, hoping it was true. “Let me go get her.”

I walked to the bottom of the stairs and called out, “Emma, sweetheart, can you come down here for a moment? There’s someone I want you to meet.”

I heard the sound of little feet running down the stairs. As soon as she saw Alex, she stopped dead in her tracks. Her face went pale, and she looked terrified.

“No! Mommy, please, no!” Emma screamed, tears streaming down her face. She ran to me, hiding behind my legs. “Don’t let him take me! Please, Mommy!”

I was stunned. Alex looked as confused as I felt. I knelt down to Emma’s level, trying to calm her down.

“Emma, honey, it’s okay. This is Alex. He’s a friend,” I said softly, stroking her hair.

“No! He’s bad! He will take me away! I don’t want to go!” she sobbed, clinging to me tightly.

“Why do you think he’ll take you away?” I asked, my heart breaking at her fear.

“Daddy said he will! Daddy showed me pictures and told me to run if I ever see him!” Emma cried.

I felt a surge of anger and confusion. Tom had done this? Why would he scare her like that?

Alex knelt down beside me, his face full of concern. “Emma, I’m not going to take you away. I promise. I just want to be your friend,” he said gently.

Emma didn’t respond. She just cried and held on to me tighter. I stood up, holding her in my arms, and turned to Alex.

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