Did you know that heart attacks rank as the primary cause of mortality in the United States?
The surge in this ailment over recent years can be attributed to the rapid pace of life and unhealthy dietary patterns. Recognizing the indicators of heart failure well in advance, even up to a month prior, can prove immensely advantageous and potentially life-saving. Alongside adopting a healthy lifestyle and managing stress levels, this foresight can serve as a shield against heart failure.
Here are some signs to heed, as they may forewarn of an impending heart attack within a month, warranting serious attention:
Swollen Feet:
Congestive heart failure may impede the lower chambers of the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively, resulting in the accumulation of blood in the legs, ankles, and feet, leading to swelling.

Narrowing arteries can reduce blood supply to the heart, compelling it to work harder, culminating in pronounced tiredness and lethargy.
Shortness of Breath:
Diminished blood flow to the heart may entail insufficient oxygen supply to the lungs. Given their interconnectedness, difficulty in breathing could signal a looming medical emergency.
Constricted arteries hinder proper blood circulation, precipitating weakness in the body and elevating the risk of unforeseen falls.
Dizziness and Cold Sweats:
Inadequate blood circulation to the brain poses a grave threat to life, initially manifesting as dizziness and clamminess. These symptoms should never be dismissed lightly.
Chest Pressure:
Discomfort or pressure in the chest could herald the onset of a heart attack, with the sensation intensifying gradually until the actual event occurs.
Symptoms resembling Flu or Cold:
The sudden onset of flu-like symptoms might signify an imminent flu episode. Many individuals mistakenly attribute early cold symptoms to the flu’s onset.
Prompt medical intervention is imperative upon observing these symptoms, whether in yourself or others. Early detection plays a pivotal role in averting a heart attack.
Dr. Travis Stork’s Insights on Heart Attack Symptoms
Heart Attack Cough (Self Aid) Demonstration
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Flight Attendant Reveals Surprising Reason Why Cabin Crew Sits On Their Hands During Take Off and Landing
In the world of air travel, flight attendants do much more than serve drinks and snacks—they are highly trained safety professionals, responsible for the well-being of all passengers. Among the many safety protocols they follow, one unusual practice often catches the eye: flight attendants sitting on their hands during takeoff and landing. While it may look odd to the average traveler, there is an important reason behind this procedure.

Image Credit: @_hennylim_ TikTok
Let’s explore the purpose of this practice and how it plays a critical role in ensuring safety during flights.
The Bracing Position Explained by a Flight Attendant
If you’ve ever noticed flight attendants buckling up in their jump seats and adopting a particular posture—sitting on their hands as the plane takes off or prepares to land—you might wonder what they’re doing. In a viral TikTok video, Cebu Pacific flight attendant Henny Lim sheds light on this often-overlooked protocol.
According to Lim, the posture flight attendants take, known as the bracing position, involves several key actions:
Fastening seatbelts securely
Sitting upright
Placing hands on their thighs with thumbs tucked in
Keeping arms relaxed
Ensuring their feet are flat on the floor
While this position may seem strange to passengers, it’s designed to serve a crucial purpose, especially in the event of an emergency.
Purpose of the Bracing Position
The main goal of the bracing position is to minimize movement and reduce the risk of injury if a crash or emergency landing occurs. During an impact, bodies can be thrown forward with significant force, leading to dangerous, uncontrolled movements, or flailing, which increases the risk of injury. By sitting on their hands and securing themselves, flight attendants limit their body’s motion and protect their limbs from potential harm.
Additionally, flight attendants use this time to mentally prepare for emergency scenarios. As Lim explains, this involves conducting a “silent review” where they mentally go over safety procedures, emergency exits, equipment, and commands. This mental preparation ensures they can act swiftly and effectively in the event of an emergency, prioritizing passenger safety at all times.
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