Inside the love story of Hasnat Khan and Princess Diana

Princess Diana was known for her heartfelt visits to hospitals, where she brought joy and hope to those in need.

However, one visit turned into something far more — a passionate love affair that remained shrouded in secrecy for years.

It’s 1995 – just two months prior to the infamous Panorama interview that would forever alter Diana’s life. You might remember that interview, when Princess Diana came clean about her struggles with mental health and the trials of her marriage, capturing the world’s empathy.

Two months before that interview, Diana crossed paths with a handsome doctor, a Muslim whose dark good looks were compared to the charming actor Omar Sharif.

The dashing heart surgeon, Dr. Hasnat Khan, worked at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London. But how did this unlikely pair end up together?

Diana at Royal Brompton Hospital / Getty Images

Well, that’s because Joe Toffolo, the patient who underwent surgery, was married to Oonagh Shanley-Toffolo, an Irish nun and acupuncturist who was a close confidante of Princess Diana.

After the initial visit, Diana returned to the hospital almost daily for three weeks, eager to pursue the handsome surgeon. The connection was electric.

Smoked cigarettes and loved KFC

Today, when we look back at countless photos of Diana visiting the hospital, it’s officially stated that she went to cheer up sick children or raise awareness for cystic fibrosis.

That’s definitely true. However, she also had personal reasons. Beneath the surface, her motivations were deeply personal. Because at 35, Diana had discovered a reason to smile once more.

Pakistani surgeon Hasnat Khan, identified as an “ex-lover” of Lady Diana, Princess of Wales.
(Photo by Stan Karczmarz/Sygma via Getty Images)

When Diana and Khan started seeing each other, it marked Diana’s most serious involvement since her separation from Prince Charles three years earlier.

But it came shrouded in secrecy. Few knew about their budding romance, a bond that seemed improbable at first glance. Dr. Khan, then 37, was a heart surgeon
that was running fat and smoked a pack of cigarettes a day,

He had penchant for late-night jazz clubs and Kentucky Fried Chicken — an unconventional match for the Princess of Wales.

But this didn’t stop Diana.

”He’s drop-dead gorgeous,” Diana reportedly told Oonagh Toffolo.

Secret messages

To keep their love under wraps, Diana cleverly disguised her messages for Khan, using the alias ”Dr. Armani.” They met in secret, often in unconventional spots to avoid prying eyes.

On one occasion, Diana donned a black wig to sneak into Ronnie Scott’s, a famous jazz club in Soho. In another instance, Khan hid in the boot of a car to slip into Kensington Palace, aided by Diana’s loyal butler, Paul Burrell.

Their romance flourished even during casual outings.

Diana, Princess Of Wales, arriving at The Royal Brompton Hospital, Fulham Road, London. The Princess is wearing a high-buttoning pale blue jacket designed by Versace / Tim Graham / Getty Images

One day, when Diana was feeling low, Khan whisked her away to a pub near Harefield Hospital where he had worked. The name? The Prince of Wales.

”She thought it was hilarious,” he recalled with a chuckle.

Diana was so enamored that she even asked her butler to find a priest who could marry them, despite Khan’s Muslim faith. Their love deepened as they spent time together, sharing laughter and discovering each other’s worlds.

Diana reportedly read books on Islam and cherished a photograph of “my dishy doctor.” She even visited Khan’s family in Lahore, Pakistan, where she embraced their culture and enjoyed a delightful afternoon tea.

Met William and Harry

This whirlwind romance took a more serious turn when Diana introduced Khan to her sons, William and Harry.

She described him as “Mr. Wonderful” and, according to her butler Burrell, she referred to Khan as her soulmate. Friends of Diana stated that he was ”the love of her life” and that she expressed distress when their relationship ended.

Yet, as love stories often go, their fairytale faced obstacles.

Muhammad Iqbal, Lady Diana and Jemima Michelle Khan (wife of Imran khan) and his son / Wikipedia Commons

The mounting pressure from the media began to take a toll on their relationship. While Diana was accustomed to the limelight, for Khan, the intense scrutiny was daunting.

He feared that pursuing their relationship publicly could jeopardize his career.

They discussed possible solutions, including moving to Pakistan — a plan that nearly came to fruition. Talks of relocating to Australia or South Africa were also on the table, but nothing materialized. According to The Guardian, Diana’s desire for public acknowledgment clashed with Khan’s reluctance, leading to a heartbreaking conclusion: the romance ended in July 1997.

Khan finds out about Dodi

Just a month later, tragedy struck. In the early hours of August 31, 1997, Diana died in a car crash in Paris, alongside her partner Dodi Fayed and their driver, Henri Paul.

Khan was blindsided by the news of Diana’s relationship with Dodi, discovering it only after it became public. ”When I found out, I was really mad; mad as hell,” he confessed in a 2012 interview.

Khan attended her funeral at Westminster Abbey.

Dr Hasnat Khan in 1997. (Photo by Antony Jones/UK Press via Getty Images)

The shadow of her tragic death looms over him still. “Sometimes I feel like screaming,” Khan shared, reflecting on the emotional turmoil. “There have been very bad times. I have moved on, but it keeps coming back.”

Despite the heartbreak, Khan fondly remembers Diana: ”We all have our drawbacks, but I found her a very normal person with great qualities and some personal drawbacks, like bad habits.”

Hasnat Khan today

In 2006, Khan married Hadia Sher Ali, a 28-year-old woman descended from Afghan royalty, but the couple divorced two years later.

He now lives in the UK, continuing his work as a heart surgeon and engaging in humanitarian efforts in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Reflecting on his life, Khan shared: ”It is very good to be home. I am quite relieved to be home. My blood pressure is stable—I go fishing, I go for walks. It feels like a sanctuary. It’s very peaceful.”

Though the romance between Princess Diana and Dr. Hasnat Khan was short-lived, it remains an interesting chapter in her life, a testament to the complexity of love in the face of royal duty and public scrutiny.

As we remember the Princess, we celebrate not just her legacy, but also the love she shared with a man who saw her for who she truly was—a normal person with extraordinary qualities.

I Decided to Surprise My Husband at Work Only to Discover He Was on Vacation

I thought I would surprise my husband with lunch at work, but I discovered he was on vacation. The following day, skeptical and bewildered, I followed him and discovered a startling secret at my sister’s place. I was forced to reevaluate all of my assumptions about my marriage and my family after what I discovered.

Last Tuesday, I made the decision to surprise Ben at work with lunch. I had prepared his favorite dish, lasagna, all morning. I had some alone time with the kids at school, so I thought it would be a kind gesture. What spouse wouldn’t appreciate receiving a handmade meal and a surprise visit from his wife?

The receptionist at his office looked at me quizzically when I arrived.

She asked, staring at the lasagna in my hands, “You’re here for Ben?”

Yes, I simply wanted to take him lunch. Is he present?

She paused. “Ben has spent the last two weeks on vacation.”

I stood there in shock, attempting to take in what she had said. On vacation? He had informed me that he would be working late every day this week. I felt a knot form in my stomach and a chilly perspiration appear on my forehead. I departed after thanking her.

I attempted to figure it out at home. Perhaps there was miscommunication. However, what sort of miscommunication endures for two weeks? I had a persistent sense that something was seriously wrong. So I resolved to follow him the next day, as any suspicious wife would do.

I requested Mom to watch the kids for the day over the phone the next morning. I told her I needed to run some errands. She didn’t notice the chaos growing inside of me; she was just delighted to help. I decided to follow Ben to see for myself what was actually going on.

I kept my distance as I watched him leave the home and get into his car. He arrived at Kate’s—my sister’s—house after driving across town.

As I watched him get out of the automobile, my jaw fell open. Kate emerged, giving him a loving welcome and guiding him inside.

My thoughts became empty. Did Ben and my sister have an affair? It was unbelievable to me, but was there any other explanation? Tears welled up in me, the anguish of betrayal cutting deep. I needed to be certain.

After parking my automobile a little distance from Kate’s residence, I contacted my attorney, Carla. She had previously managed a few legal issues for us, so I trusted her opinion. With a voice trembling with hurt and anger, I told her everything.

“Julia, get some hard evidence before you jump to conclusions,” Carla replied in a composed and businesslike tone. It’s crucial to be certain before pursuing legal action.

I was aware of her correctness. I returned to Kate’s place and started to prowl around like a spies. Even though I felt absurd, I wanted to find out. I looked in a window.

I went inside and noticed a stack of papers and Ben and Kate hunched over lunch at the kitchen table. They appeared serious, and they occasionally cast glances around as though they were afraid of being discovered.

What schemes did they have in mind? I was more and more certain that something was seriously wrong the more I watched. They weren’t merely having an affair; they had plans.

Hands shaking, I took a couple pictures with my phone. I required evidence, something tangible with which to challenge Ben. My imagination was racing with horrible scenarios of all kinds. What actions did they take?

From my car, I made James a call. He detected the first ring. My brother-in-law James has always been the family’s practical one. He was the cool-headed, steady contrast to Kate’s more impetuous personality, having been married to her for almost ten years.

He and Ben got along well, frequently connecting over their passion for cooking and sports. I had faith in James, and I knew he could help me understand this.

It’s Julia, James. I must speak with you regarding Ben and Kate.

A pause occurred. “Calm down, Julia. What is happening?

My voice trembling, I blurted out, “I think they’re having an affair.”

James exhaled. “Julia, please come on over.” Right now.

With terror and betrayal racing through my head, I ran back to Kate’s place. James’ vehicle was already parked outside when I got there. I slipped up to the home and peered in the window once more. James was seated at the kitchen table with Ben and Kate.

Through the partially open window, I could hear brief chunks of their conversation.

James said, seeming worried, “Julia called me.” “She believes you two are having an affair and is worried sick.”

Ben gave a nod. That means she doesn’t know everything.

“That’s fantastic!” With enthusiasm in her voice, Kate answered.

“Our strategy is working,” Ben continued.

My heart broke. I was done listening. I stormed into the home, fury exploding in me.

“You traitors, you who lie and cheat! How could you subject me to this?

Ben and Kate gave me a shocked expression. James got up and tried to reassure me.

“Please, Julia, allow us to clarify.”

“What should I explain? that my sister is the object of my husband’s infidelity?” Tears were flowing down my face as I yelled.

In an attempt to reassure me, Ben remarked gently, “Julia, it’s not what you think.” “I worked on a surprise for you while I was on vacation.”

I gave a sour laugh. “A revelation? Is it unexpected to meet at Kate’s place every day?

“Yes,” Ben responded in a firm voice. “I had intended to fulfill your dream. You’ve always mentioned wanting to open a coffee shop, correct?

I blinked, not sure what to think. “What?”

Kate moved forward while carrying a stack of documents. “Ben has been purchasing a coffee shop for you with his inheritance. Here, we have been working on the company plan and all the related legal documentation.

My frustration began to give way to perplexity and a flicker of hope. “A coffee shop? For me, please?

After giving me a nod, Ben took out a folder and gave it to me. “See, these are the files. Everything from the restoration ideas to the lease. I waited for it to be flawless before telling you. I wanted to make sure James and Kate, who are co-investors, are fully on board.

I peered at the documents, tears clouding my vision as I read them. Everything was in one place. The coffee shop I had always imagined was the evidence of his devotion and love. Ben stopped me before I collapsed because my knees gave up.

How awful it is, Ben. I truly apologize. I considered… I believed you to be.

He gave me a hard hug and whispered, “I know.” “I wanted it to be a surprise, but I should have told you.” When I gave you the keys, I wanted to see your face.

“I cry so much into his chest, I’m such an idiot.” “I truly apologize.”

“Shhh, don’t worry. I can see why you had such feelings. But I do adore you, Julia. I’d never turn on you.

I felt the weight of my error as I nodded. “I’m grateful, Ben. I am very grateful for what you have done.

We went to sign the last set of documents the following day. We owned the coffee shop. It was hard for me to believe. I was ecstatic as soon as I entered the charming little area and could smell the aroma of freshly baked pastries.

Ben gave me a tight squeeze. “Baby, this is all for you. I have faith in you.

I grinned, happy tears rolling down my cheeks. “Love, I adore you. I appreciate your confidence in me.

Together, we transformed the coffee shop into a wonderful place. It developed into a place where hopes were realized and where trust and love were the key components of every dish.

In retrospect, I see how crucial communication and trust are to a relationship. Misunderstandings can occur, but what matters most is how we respond to them.

The smell of freshly baked goodies filled my coffee shop as I stood there feeling appreciative of Ben’s constant love and support. Together, we had weathered the storm and emerged stronger.

Sometimes all it takes to see the reality behind the secrets is a little trust and a lot of love, so to anyone out there who feels like their relationship is in peril. And occasionally, such secrets can become the most exquisite revelations of all.

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