5 Ways to Tell if an Egg is Fresh or Rotten

Uncertain about egg freshness when cooking? Here are some simple tips to assess freshness and cut down on egg-related food waste. Supermarket eggs are labeled with a use-by date, and in France, eggs can’t be sold seven days before this date. Eggs from a henhouse stay fresh for up to 28 days after being laid.

Refrigerated eggs, even with intact shells, are safe for consumption for up to one month past the use-by date, equating to 58 days post-laying. Proper storage practices help maintain freshness and minimize waste. Expired eggs may emit an off-putting odor. A bad smell indicates loss of vitamins and an altered taste. If it smells normal, consider using it quickly, such as in an omelet.

Inspecting the shell and egg color is essential for detecting spoilage. Powdery or cracked shells may suggest the presence of mold. Unusual colors in the egg white or yolk, like blue or green, are indicators of spoilage. By adopting proper storage techniques and remaining vigilant, you can prevent egg waste while ensuring your meals remain fresh and safe.

Remember, proper storage in the refrigerator is crucial for maintaining egg freshness and reducing health risks. By adhering to these simple guidelines, you can confidently use eggs in your recipes, knowing they are safe and fresh.

She is the most famous plus-size model, but after a man called her a fat cow, she posed in a bikini and got revenge in a horrifying way

Iskra Lawrence, often the object of envy for many, faced a moment of criticism when an Instagram user attempted to diminish her beauty by attributing it to the perceived obesity epidemic.

In a harshly worded comment, the user suggested that Lawrence’s attractiveness was merely a consequence of societal norms influenced by the prevalence of overweight individuals. They admonished against consuming fast food, attributing the alleged decline of the healthcare system to people like Lawrence indulging in chips.

Rather than succumb to shame, Lawrence chose to reclaim her narrative in a bold manner.

Her response? She defiantly shared a photo of herself donning a swimsuit, surrounded by a plethora of chip bags, insinuating that these were the snacks she supposedly consumed regularly.

In doing so, Lawrence not only defied the attempt to belittle her but also flipped the narrative, embracing her body while challenging societal beauty standards and prejudices.

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