In a captivating YouTube video, a Romanian man recounts his extraordinary experience of visiting both heaven and hell. He describes seeing “a magnificent gate that perfectly reflected his own body” and realizing “the body decays in the ground while the soul receives a new form.” Guided by angels, he felt weightless in heaven and experienced indescribable joy.
He was shown a record of his wrongdoings but was told, “a place in heaven had been prepared for him and his loved ones.” Encountering his deceased parents, he was advised by the angels to let his father rest. His mother witnessed his spiritual rebirth. The man noted that both Jesus and the angels wore “immaculate white clothing, with hair as white as snow,” without wings, their appearance emanating “a radiant brightness.”
In hell, he saw a tunnel of flames and countless souls pleading for help. A colossal figure of God assured him, “all his sins, as vast as the sands of the sea, were forgiven through the blood of His beloved son, Jesus.” Awakening in a morgue, his wife, expecting to prepare for his funеrаI, was astonished to see him alive.
This story serves as a reminder that salvation and redemption are always possible, encouraging everyone to embrace salvation before the grace period ends.
My In-Laws Didn’t Invite My Children to Family Dinner, Disparagingly Calling Them “Baggage”
Our reader Nadine sent us an emotional letter. The fact is that her in-laws invited the whole family over for dinner, leaving her children out. To make matters worse, her husband knew this and approved of this behavior.
This is Nadine’s letter.

We decided to find out what readers think about this situation. All of them found the behavior of the husband and in-laws offensive.

- I have a very short answer that I use on occasion, and that is. When people show you who they are, believe them. Whatever is said now and whatever apologies made, you know who they all are. © Linda Fawcett / Facebook
- If my kids weren’t welcome at whatever function, I wouldn’t go either. © Sandy Freed / Facebook
- I would have left straight away and if my husband didn’t follow, I would have finished my marriage, when it comes to my kids no one wins over them. © Liz Russell Flaherty / Facebook
- I’d ask my hit if he cared about me and the kids. And then I’d leave the restaurant with or without him. © Faye Birkbeck / Facebook
- This happened to us for a wedding. Other kids were there. We drove 3 hours to get there, so we were stuck. That was 40 years ago. I never forgot. © Regina Mason / Facebook
- My children come first, they are not baggage’s … it does not matter if you’re blood or not, kindness should be organic. © M Otto Rittah Rxs / Facebook
- I would seriously consider whether you stay with your husband, as he clearly hasn’t accepted your children. To say that they shouldn’t be at a family gathering because they’re not blood relatives, means he agrees with your in-laws. I can only imagine how your kids feel with their ‘so called’ dad, disowning them in this manner. © James Wood / Facebook
Conflict with in-laws is not uncommon. Here is the story of a young woman who decided to teach her insolent mother-in-law a lesson.
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